1 Foot--> Same foot-hop- Temps Leve
1 foot--> Other foot-leap- Jete
2 Feet--> One foot-Sissone(Jeap)
1 foot--> 2 feet-Assemble (Lump)
Saute/Jump: To jump, It can also refer to jumping in a particular position.
Temps Leve/hop: a small hop on one foot, with theater foot raised of the floor.
Jete/Leap: a leap in which the weight of the dancer is transferred from one foot to the other. The dancer throws one leg to the front, side, or to the back, and holds the leg in any desired position upon landing.

Assemble/Lump: A movement in which a dancer's feet or legs are brought together in the air and the dancer lands on both feet. It can be done front, back, dessus, dessons, etc.
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